[geeks] switches, when rack space is at a premium

Francois Dion fdion at atriumwindows.com
Mon Feb 2 09:09:33 CST 2004

With gigabit being so prevalent, one would think that 10/100 switches 
would be dropping a bit more quickly but...

I'm looking into getting a pair of 48 port 1u 10/100 managed switch. 
Usual suspects are HP procurve 2650 and Cisco 2950 48 port. They look to 
be exactly the same, spec wise (altough, I have to real world 
performance comparison), but the 2650 can be had right at $950 or so. 
Why would I shell so much more for the Cisco? Then there is the Dell 
3348,  base price is also $950 but the SFPs for the uplink are half 
price. Who makes the switches for Dell? Dell is always hit or miss, 
always a risk. Anybody has been running some of these for a while?

I already got some HP and Cisco stuff, so single vendor is not a driving 


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