[geeks] [rescue] Computerfests

Micah R L lassloc at hotpop.com
Wed Apr 28 11:29:05 CDT 2004

Dan Duncan wrote:

> It would probably be too likely a satellite like this would be turned
>to less humanitarian purposes.
>I always picture that or a tracking error looking something like
>the beam that took out the White House in Independence Day.
This reminds me of a Star Wars book that I read, where on thye planet 
Coruscant, they used giant mirrors (on satelites) in space to melt the 
snow caps (don't remember the purpose of this... heh) on the planet. 
[And then someone commandeered them or something and melted through 
buildings and stuff. heh.] Sounds silly, I suppose, but would be kind of 
a cool way to focus a lot of sunlight directly on one location for 
energy-gathering purposes.

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