[geeks] [nick: Re: [rescue] OT Taxes]

Nick nick at pelagiris.org
Tue Apr 20 21:53:03 CDT 2004

Oops, this should have gone to geeks.
On Tue, Apr 20, 2004 at 07:52:40PM -0400, Phil Stracchino wrote:
> Frankly, I'd like to see a Constitutional amendment stating that no bill
> OR REGULATION may be passed into law, or have the force of law, unless
> written in plain English understandable by someone with an average
> education.  This would also have the advantage that rather than dumbing
> down education to get ignorant voters who can be easily led around by
> the nose, it'd create an incentive to government to actually improve the
> average level of education, because they could then pass more complex
> laws.
I've been wondering how many politicians would die of a heart attack
should a bill limiting all bills to 10 pages (single sided, rational
font and point).  It would be amuseing at least..

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