[geeks] Fargin Issles - my Ti PowerBook is locked...

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Sun Oct 19 22:51:36 CDT 2003

On Sun, 19 Oct 2003, Lionel Peterson wrote:

> Nothing - but the problem isn't during boot up, but at log in - nothing
> during boot indicated a problem.

Can you ssh in from somewhere else?  If not, then your local NetInfo
hive is probably corrupt.  If you can, then it's probably the
DisplayServer or something.

Boot from the installation CD and try to repair the startup disk, then
repair permissions.  Bill swears by going into OpenFirmware (Apple +
Option + O + F before the boot chime) and zapping the PRAM like this:


Jonathan Patschke  ) "Earth works.  That's proof positive that Mother
Elgin, TX         (   Nature isn't a suit."            --Dave McGuire

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