Suzuki Samurai was Re: [geeks] SPARC proprietary (waaaay

Dan Duncan dand at
Wed Oct 15 11:49:50 CDT 2003

As I recall, 'Dan Sikorski' wrote:
> > I agree wholeheartedly.  There needs to be more serious penalties for serious accidnets.  But then that would only worsten under our sue-happy society so i'm not sure what he solution should be.
> Why? so that the next time someone slams on their brakes so they don't
> hit a rabbit crossing the road, and you can't stop in time or otherwise
> avoid it, and the bozo that you hit claims that you caused some back
> injury that prevents him from working and living the rest of his life
> normally, you can get jail time?  No thanks.  More power behind traffic
> laws allow for far more abuse of them.

Stop endangering the rest of us by following so closely and you
won't have to worry, will you?

> > I can see the one but restricting the size of the vehicle proabably wouldn't be feasible as many kids tinker with their own cars.  What's next?  Licensed performance products?  Do you want to have to pay extra for that turbo?
> and then the next thing would be that performance tires, that would help
> you avoid accidents, and stop faster, are considered such a performance
> option? that doesn't sound good.  And let's not forget, a 15 passenger
> van is about as big as a ford expedition, if not bigger.  Nobody
> complains about 15 passenger vans being such a menace on the road.  It's
> the DRIVER, not the vehicle that causes a problem.  A bad driver is a
> bad driver no matter  what they're driving.  Nobody here is complaining
> about semi drivers here, and they're the biggest thing on the road.

A bad driver is a bad driver no matter what they are driving, but they
amplify their risk to ME by driving a big vehicle.   I'd like to see 
repeat bad drivers suffer successive limits in vehicle size until
they either shape up or enjoy their mopeds.

People who drive 15 passenger vans often do so professionally and 
I haven't noticed any greater tendency to cause accidents.  This
is NOT true for SUVs.  In my experience.  YMMV.


#  Dan Duncan (kd4igw)  dand at

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