[geeks] MP3s on ARM chips

nimitz at ns1.nimitzbrood.com nimitz at ns1.nimitzbrood.com
Tue Oct 14 13:03:28 CDT 2003

> On Tue, Oct 14, 2003 at 12:30:28PM -0500, nimitz at ns1.nimitzbrood.com wrote:
> > I still want to make my Microvax II the world's oldest MP3 player.
> > Still need better power in my house to run it though. 
> Can the vax pump out 128kbps (kilobits per second) from any easy to get
> to port (meaning not SCSI, and not the expansion bus)?  If, for
> instance, it had a parallel port that could pump that out, it would be
> nearly trivial to build an MP3 accelerator for your vax.

Damn my bookmark loss!  My browser ate my bookmarks a month or so ago so I lost a lot of old links.  Basically there _is_ a qbus audio board in existence.  I've seen it - it used to be carried by a company called DCP but they don't list it now.

However you've got a point - I could probably find some sort of port to put it out of.  I don't think it has a parallel port at the moment but they should exist.

Mike Hebel

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