[geeks] Mac clone suckage

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Thu May 8 06:09:39 CDT 2003

--- Matthew Braun <mjbraun at enteract.com> wrote:

> Unrelated, but amusing: my neighborhood had a blackout last night
> and I wound up walking around my house with my TiBook hoisted over
> my head, acting as a flashlight. Sadly, I've done it many times
> before. You'd be surprised how well they can light your way...

For years Palm users have used the backlit Palms for just the same
purpose... It reminds me of the line in the movie "Big Business" where
the conglomerate is selling jet fiters to african tribes who don't know
how to fly them. When asked what they (the tribes) do with them, it is
explained that the two warring tribes point them at each other and roll
them down the hill at the opposing tribe.

Technology *is* great!


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