[geeks] Whoo hoo... now this is a nice Linux

Koyote koyote at koyote.cx
Sat Mar 22 09:51:40 CST 2003

Andrew Weiss <ajwdsp at cloud9.net> writes:

> I still think they need a keyword for installing binaries in
> portage... i.e. a parallel tree that you can say emerge mozilla.b and
> it will get a generic binary install instead of source.  Sometimes I
> don't have a full week and a half to wait for everything to
> compile.... bootstrap, kernels, gnome, binutils, xfree...

well, the base system at least is available in binary form.

I *think* there are some other binaries floating aroundin the system, as well.

> I re did the entire install from scratch with the tar -p in the
> beginning and things work ok, but galeon is broken (only ever launches
> once and then starts doing that infinite window thing) so I unmerged
> it.... I'm updating mozilla now... the bonobo/corba stuff breaks down
> a lot... i.e. bunches of errors writing gconf ..etc... since the
> system was clean (only gtk 2.0) until I emerged alsa-xmms which pulled
> in older versions of all the base libs.... crud... I think that made
> stuff a bit less stable.

You can run multiple versions of libs side by side... but anything
gnome/gtk 2 is going to be a bit iffy for another 6-12 months
anyway. The Gnome Curse.

I haven't had any trouble at all with stability- even with galeon. Curious.

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