[geeks] Whoo hoo... now this is a nice Linux

Koyote koyote at koyote.cx
Fri Mar 21 18:23:55 CST 2003

> It's more work than I'd want to do too install a machine, but what's wrong
> with a distribution that makes people UNDERSTAND more about what is going
> on under the hood?  I don't get the big hostility towards making people
> understand more about how their machines work...
> Now, the yutz who was pushing it on newbies should be shot[0]...

So shoot me :)

I've had some newbie friends manage to use it fine. No, they didn't have
a system up and running in less than 8 hours, but boy did they learn a
lot in that time 

> --Kurt
> [0] Maybe just in the leg...
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