[geeks] SCO sues IBM (pure UNIX *BSD)

Jochen Kunz jkunz at unixag-kl.fh-kl.de
Sun Mar 9 04:20:37 CST 2003

On Fri, Mar 07, 2003 at 07:42:02AM -0500, Kevin wrote:

> Thanks for the info.  I might give NetBSD a shot.  I'm
> used to a lot of stuff i would have to add i suppose,
> ssh, top and a shell that will do TAB completion, but
> as long as i can add it it sounds good.a
This is all in the base system. (Open)SSH, (Open)SSL and Kerberos is 
considered a basic feature for a modern Unix due to security reasons. 
The /bin/ksh of NetBSD is the pdksh. Use it as login shell, put 
PS1="[$USER@`hostname` "'${PWD##*/}]$ '
bind ^I=complete
set -o braceexpand
in your .profile and you are done. (If you are a sh/bash/ksh user.)
File name completition in csh is obligate. I mean, this _is_ BSD. 

>  I like the
> additive approach much more than the subtractive :)
I haven't looked at the sizes of the newer releases, but around 1.4 
a full install with X11 on i386 needed around 160 MB disk space. 


Homepage: http://www.unixag-kl.fh-kl.de/~jkunz

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