[geeks] OT: Cell Phone suggestions...

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 18 18:17:40 CDT 2003

Hello all,

I have decided to get a new cell phone, and am *amazed* at the variety
of offers out there, and wondered if any here had any advice they
wanted to share... My needs:

US Nationwide plan (I just paid $.60/min when I was in FL becuse my
plan is local, not national)

Nice phone, low cost (free?)

Good coverage (Mainly in NJ/PA/NY, with New England & CA

Low price

want to get 2 phones, share minutes (300 across two phones would really
be plenty) and free cell to cell (me to wife) calls good

I had hoped to stay with AT&T, but to stick with them would prevent me
from taking advantage of any of the new subscriber deals...

Any websites that help with such queries would be appreciated - I
originally got AT&T for the nationwide coverage, reputation (and I've
never had a problem with them), but I want the DEALS...

Anyway, any advice in this regard would be appreciated - if you would
rather share off-list, that would be fine too...



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