[geeks] gun stuffs... was UPS stuffs

Michael A. Turner mturner at whro.org
Fri Jul 18 09:25:54 CDT 2003

> Pools don't kill children as fast as guns.
	Which is a common misconception that kills thousands of children a
year. Ask Tommy Lee, had a kid drown in the middle of party with 30 adults
there. It takes less than 15 seconds for someone to drown. If a kid that has
not been trained to swim get's into a pool with no adult supervision the
chance of them dying is something like 90%. A kid gets hold a gun
unsupervised and the chance of someone dying is less than 1%. Pools are
LETHAL to untrained children.

> > Child safety is a common argument for gun control...which is not
> > backed up by accident statistics.  If you follow the same logic,
> > based on the statistics, we would have to get rid of pools, 
> bicycles,
> > automobiles, and a host of other things that kill kids, too.

	Atually the statistics show that more children have died becuase
there were no guns in the house than have died because there was one. Ask
that little girl who watched her brothers and sisters get slaughtered by a
mad man with a pitchfork wether she would have prefered to have a key to the
gun cabinet. Instead she had to run a mile to the neighbors house to get
help and begged them for a gun, or to kill the guy themselves. Instead they
called the pplice, who ended up shooting and killing the guy anyways.
	Point is statistically speaking it is more dangerous NOT to have a
gun in the house than it is to have one. Also always put your knives in teh
dishwasher point down not up, more people were killed last year from
slipping on a wet floor and falling on an open dishwasher with knives than
accidental guns deaths in england last year.

Michael A. Turner
Systems Engineer WHRO
michael.turner at whro.org

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