[geeks] LDAP, PHP crash course?

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 16 23:46:55 CDT 2003

--- "N.Miller" <vraptor at promessage.com> wrote:
> I may have a job interview next week and need to
> get a crash course on 

> Ditto for PHP, though I know a bit more about it since
> I've been investigating CMS for a volunteer gig I have.

O'Reilly has some very good books on PHP, you could get a very good
insight into PHP by spending a few quality hours at the library^hbook
store and reading the first few chapters of books like "Programming
PHP" (see: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/progphp) and "PHP Cookbok"
(see: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/phpckbk).

Can't speak for LDAP, sorry.

Best of luck!


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