[geeks] New SGI workstation

N. Miller vraptor at promessage.com
Fri Jul 11 12:36:59 CDT 2003

--On Friday, July 11, 2003 12:05 PM -0400 Charles Shannon Hendrix 
<shannon at widomaker.com> wrote:

> Remember that bean counters and board members don't give a damn about
> technology, they only think about the bottom line.

If only.  Two years ago, when my SO worked there as a contractor,
the some high-level guy in finance got caught in an 'indiscretion'
with his assistant in the office via web cam.  Apparently he had
been making personal 'recordings' after hours, and he had
forgotten to shut the thing off.

With people like that minding the store...

One of the guys my SO worked with was the CE for Pixar.  He also
did QA for returns, etc.  This poor CE was called in for 2 weeks
in the middle of his 3 month sabbatical b/c he was the only guy
who Pixar would talk to.

But the issue is up and down the chain at SGI.  Their biggest
problem, from the stories my SO told me, was that the corporate
culture was one of "we deserve everything because we where here
at the beginning"--a lot of slackers with high salaries and
low employee numbers sitting around doing nothing but
collecting their pay checks.

If they had bean counters who were serious about making money
those people would be out on the street in a heartbeat.


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