[geeks] Daily Dose of Unix

Shawn Wallbridge swallbridge at franticfilms.com
Fri Jan 31 12:37:19 CST 2003

>   Intel has a HUGE vested interest in major computer manufacturers...or
> even just reporters and columnists...saying nice things about Itaniums.
>  Their flagship new processor failed miserably in the marketplace, and
> its second generation isn't creating much of a hubbub so far.  A few
> well-placed dollars here and there and the average reporter will say
> anything you want them to say.  Far fetched?  Conspiracy theory?  Well,
>  we all know how much money Intel put into the Itanium...and until
> their  sales volumes go up, they will continue to be very expensive to
> produce.  Would you really put it past them?
>   I've seen no direct evidence of anything like this happening, but
> frankly it's the only explanation I can come up with for some of the
> whacked-out statements (like the one you quoted above) that I see in
> the media.
>          -Dave
> --
> Dave McGuire                 "Rubber duckies *are* important."
> St. Petersburg, FL                            -Doc Shipley
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