[geeks] Free lunch

Chris Byrne chris at chrisbyrne.com
Thu Jan 23 06:53:27 CST 2003

The father of a friend of mein owns a business called TANSTAAFL

My personal reaction the first time I heard this was to pull a copy of
"The Moon is a Hrsh Mistress" out of my bag and start giggling like a
schoolgirl. If you've ever seen a 6'2" tall 365lb man giggling while
fondling anti-totalitarian sci-fi you know how surreal an experience
this can be.

Anyway gets a lot of differnet reactions. The most common one goes a
little something like this 

Questioner: Hmm, TANSTAFFL. That word sounds familiar. German?
Him: No, Heinlein

The general response to that is a polite laugh and he explains the
reference, There Aint No Such Thing As A Free Lunch.

Anyway he's had this schtick for years, and he's got it down like a pro.
Till one day a somewhat less than intelligent person with a very thick
new york accent asks him

Dim Bulb: Hmm, TANSTAFFL. That word sounds familiar. German?
Frank: No, Heinlein
Dim Bulb: Oh yeah, I got a brudda who talks heinlein

Frank was able to keep a straight face until the guy moved on, but
immediately thereafter lost it completely and ended up literally ROTFL.

Oh and apologies for the horrible pun, but I couldn't resist. I've been
reading too much Callahans lately.

Chris Byrne
The Eyes May Be the Windows on the Soul
But the Word is the Doorway to the Mind

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