[geeks] basic IRIX network questions

Kevin kevin at mpcf.com
Wed Jan 22 03:27:46 CST 2003

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Good link, thanks.  Maybe i'll setup one of the Indys for
this purpose.  Gotta do something with them.


On Wed, 22 Jan 2003 15:24:16 -0600
"Jonathan C. Patschke" <jp at celestrion.net> wrote:

> On Wed, 22 Jan 2003, Kevin wrote:
> > That actually makes sense.  Does the install server have
> > to be IRIX as well or can i setup my linux file server or
> > maybe a Sun box to do so (all of those services can be run
> > under linux)?
> You need an IRIX box to read the CDs (or Linux with EFS
> filesystem and SGI partition map support), but the actual
> server can be anything with a sane tftp and r* services. 
> IRIX is easiest, though, because everything's already
> configured for you in /etc/inetd.conf.  So, you can just
> comment-out the lines when you want the system to be more
> secure, and uncomment them when you want a boot server.
> However, documentation on making just about anything work is
> here: http://futuretech.mirror.vuurwerk.net/netboot.html
> You can even do away with the bootp nonsense by providing
> your IP information to the target system in the PROM
> monitor.
> -- 
> Jonathan Patschke  *)  "everything i know about animals i
> learned from Thorndale, TX      (*   ORA books."            
>      --alex j avriette
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