[geeks] SGI 1600SW

Eric Dittman dittman at dittman.net
Tue Jan 21 16:44:56 CST 2003

>    Assuming the goal is to have an LCD with at least 1152x900 resolution 
> with an HD15 analog input, what displays do people like/dislike?  
> Anyone have any experiences to share here?

I've been considering an LCD, but the one's I've been looking
at are 1280x1024 at the most.  I'd like a 19" or 20" with a
resolution of 1600x1200.

I'd also like digital input along with analog.
Eric Dittman
dittman at dittman.net
Check out the DEC Enthusiasts Club at http://www.dittman.net/

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