[geeks] Henry Rollins quotes

Mike Hebel nimitz at speakeasy.net
Mon Jan 20 20:01:02 CST 2003

Dan Sikorski wrote:
> I'm sure there are still ways.  I know! link them to funding terrorism!
> out of all of the billions they've made, something has had to made it to
> a terrorist group.  Maybe a former employee.  It's McCarthyism with a
> purpose.


"Only terrorists close their cource code!"

"Microsoft: A monopoly on terrorism."

"Microsoft: Who do you want to kill today?"

"Microsoft:  Proudly monopolizing terrorism into the World War of tomorrow!"

"Darth Balmer: Proudly supporting Emperor Gates since the death of the 
old Republic."

Sheesh...I need caffiene...

Mike Hebel

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