[geeks] Introduction

geek list geek.list at munich.bmwracing.org
Tue Jan 14 07:41:44 CST 2003

> Welcome Eric.
> I've done a bit of fencing over the years, both western and Chinese.
> What kind of swards do you make?

I primarily make rapiers & daggers (when I have time, which is a rare thing
indeed).  They're based on historical pieces in either books or paintings or
based on some pieces that I had the chance to thoroughly examine at the
Philadelphia Museum of Art.  They usually sell quite well so I guess I'm a
dipshit for not making more...  Damn life interfering with my fun ;-)  If
you'd like to have a look at some of my older pieces, you're welcome to have a
look at:

(as I said, they're older ones, my newer ones are a bit better)

Have a good one :-)

Eric Gregory

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