[geeks] amy's gonna kill me.

Kurt Huhn kurt at k-huhn.com
Fri Jan 10 15:32:53 CST 2003

Gary Nichols <gary at linuxforce.org> wrote:

> Um, dude... prepare to go clothes shopping.  REAL SOON.

Tell me about it.  I just bought $400 worth of game-machine parts today.  I
scrapped my original idea using a dual P3 board I already had, and decided
to go with an Aopen P4 board with 8x AGP, 1.7Ghz P4 with 512K, and an Aopen
Geforce 4 ti4200 128MB with video capture.  All of that together cost me

The money is mine to spend, due to me selling off some other stuff, but
still - Karin is *not* going to be thrilled about it...

Now Dave, don't be concerned.  This unit is for games only, and will
probably only get used interactively for an hour or two a day.  The rest of
the time it will be crunching protein folding units, attempting to redeem
itself for being a peecee by contributing to the scientific community.

Along those lines, anyone want to buy an Aopen DX34 Plus dual P3 board with
onboard U160 SCSI?
kurt at k-huhn.com

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