[geeks] Lindows

Koyote koyote at koyote.cx
Mon Feb 24 21:43:44 CST 2003

James <james at jdfogg.com> writes:

> OK, I get the feeling that something is wrong with Lindows required
> "click and go softwarehouse membership". It IS linux after all. Is
> there anything preventing someone from downloading all the apps and
> mirroring them for free? Is the package system unique and copyrighted
> or something? Has anyone actually run this distribution yet?
> I need to know because the wife is threatening to buy their new
> laptop. I don't want to deal with a subscription to otherwise "free"
> software.
> BTW, the good news here is that my wife has had enough of Gates and
> Company. She even publishes html using Notepad at this time (she'll
> love VIM with its colored function notations).

VIM might be the answer- but in fairness, she might want to try both
mode and modeless thinking ....

Emacs 21 is gui enough, yet keyboard enough, to keep anyone happy if
they spend the 8-10 hours to learn it at all well.

She'll probably like VIM better, though, unless she likes messing with
code in lisp.

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