[geeks] Tadpole 3GX for sale

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Sat Feb 8 00:53:46 CST 2003

Hi All.

I have a Sparcbook 3GX that I'm going to sell, and I thought I'd offer 
it here before it goes to ebay. It's in perfect condition, with 64mb of 
memory, and a 6g hd (I believe it's 6gig, it's really a 20gig drive, 
but only if used in a certain mode, one that can't be set with a 
sparcbook AFAIK) that has Solaris 2.6 loaded on it. I've got a leather 
carrying case for it, as well as a tadpole SCSI floppy drive, a 64k 
PCMCIA modem card, the power supply, network cabling, including a 10bt 
transceiver as well. This machine is one of the Herman Miller ones, and 
has all the extras they had, so if I left anything off, it's probably 
there, I just forgot to list it.

I would like to get $500 for it, but I'm open to offers. Please email 
me off-list if you're interested, and/or have any questions. Thanks.

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