[geeks] Avoiding Blowhard Syndrome redux..

Anthony Guarnieri atg at stormrider.org
Sun Feb 2 17:42:36 CST 2003

On Sun, 2 Feb 2003, Kurt Huhn wrote:

> Judicious use of the <DEL> key is recommended - for *everyone*.

For gods sake yes! Jesus, if you don't like someone or their posts,
instead of whining about it or making personal attacks against them, why
can't people just stfu and delete posts by that person? Is bitching and
moaning about that person that much better of a solution? It certainly
isn't a civil one, and I for one am disgusted at what happened.

One thing is clear: People can be kicked off this list for being insulting
to Amy, but Amy can be as insulting as she likes on this list to get rid
of people she doesn't like, and that just plain old sucks.

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