[geeks] wargame the requirements

Brian Dunbar Brian.Dunbar at plexus.com
Sat Dec 20 03:24:59 CST 2003

A vendor's rep just fired this back, in response to my request (via their
help desk) as to what a particular set of Win32 services are doing on my
network.  A minor workaround over the weekend ended up crippling the entire
shebang and I wanted to know _why_.  He said in response

"Trying to wargame the requirements will always get you in trouble."

"wargame the requirements" ... this is a new turn of the phrase for me.
What in the world is this goob talking about?  I'm not naive, I know _what_
a wargame is (I used to play Squad Leader, back when), and I can guess the
context but I'm still baffled as to his meaning.  Is this new PMoid speak?

Brian Dunbar
Display some adaptability

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