[geeks] Access rant

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Sat Dec 20 03:25:08 CST 2003

On Thu, 4 Dec 2003 jdboyd at jdboyd.zill.net wrote:

> They would?  I believe you can in Access write a frontend to any
> database that has an ODBC driver without writing a single line of SQL.
> You just link the ODBC tables in, then write queries the normal way.

That is correct (to a degree).  In a previous life, I built applications
this way that ran against both MS Access and MS SQL.  But, at that
point, it's almost as easy to use OBDC to talk to any number of different

> A guy I used to know prototyped applications this way.  Then, for the
> roll out, he switch it to MS SQL on the backend.  It seemed to work
> better than your average MS product at the time.

MS SQL is a tremendously good database product.  I don't like it as well
as PostgreSQL because it's not as hackable or fast, but it's in the same
realm as Oracle.

This is probably due, in no small part, to the fact that MS bought it
from Sybase, rather than trying to build it themselves. :)

Jonathan Patschke  ) "Earth works.  That's proof positive that Mother
Elgin, TX         (   Nature isn't a suit."            --Dave McGuire

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