[geeks] Writing to multiple cd recorders under nix?

Thomas Gallaway rescue at port11.net
Sat Dec 20 03:25:06 CST 2003

Jep. 4 Controllers. Dual channel. Each drive on 1 channel. Works great
under windows (using alcohol 120%). That is why I am asking here for
a unix sollution to burn to multiply CD-RW drives ;-)

Technically I already burned the first batch of promo cds under windows
but it's windows. I might have to stick with it even I feel bad.

By the way this is for a legit purpose. We are promoting local artists 
handing out promo's of compilations to record stores and labels.


On Dec 2, 2003, at 4:08 PM, Bill Bradford wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 02, 2003 at 03:58:48PM -0500, Thomas Gallaway wrote:
>> Technically the setup is like this:
>> I have 4 IDE controllers in there with each CD-RW drive on a
>> seperate controller. I was able to burn to all 7 cd's at the same
>> time ...  The machine can handle it
> You want to do simultaneous writes to SEVEN IDE devices, on
> FOUR controllers, at once, in a *PC*?
> If you make it work, *reliably*, without problems, I'll give you
> $10 via PayPal.
> Bill
> -- 
> bill bradford
> mrbill at mrbill.net
> austin, texas
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