[geeks] It lives!!!!

Bjorn Ramqvist v53278 at g.haggve.se
Mon Aug 25 04:18:34 CDT 2003

Kurt Huhn wrote:
> It's a mod of the lightbar.  I swapped out the burned-out incandescent
> bulbs for a blue LED.  I was going to replace the expired bulbs with
> similar incandescents, but decided on an LED - it'll last 100x longer,
> and it's much cooler to look at.
> See:
> http://www.k-huhn.com/octane_mod/

Our "engineering sample" Fuel workstation that we borrowed from SGI had
a blue lightbar. I don't know, but it seems that Fuel has the standard
white + red colors as the Octanes have.


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