[geeks] ftp dirs

Hugh Saunders hugh at mjr.org
Wed Apr 30 09:14:32 CDT 2003


im getting annoid with the standard linux/unix ftp client, how can
I upload a whole directory with subdirs?

im doing this from a machine i dont have root access to, so cant really
install new tools.  I only have ftp access to the machine im uploading
to so i cant upload the archive then expand.

have tried mput but that seems to only want  files from one dir.

any comments?

Hugh Saunders [GCv3.12] GCS d- s: a--- C+++ UL++>$ P+ L+++ E--- W-- N++
K- w-- M- V? PS-- Y PGP- t-- !5 X- R- tv-() b- DI+ D- G++ e- h++ r z?

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