[geeks] Internship

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 27 20:00:57 CDT 2003

--- sun4c at btopenworld.com wrote:
> General Question, I am fresh from school and am about to start an
> internship working in an IT department. My OS of choice is debian,
> but will prob end doing basic support for win9x work stations -not
> great but you gotta start somewhere!
> Any tips for surviving in dilbert land?

Yeah, try to excel at whatever task they give you, work quickly, and
demonstrate a broad technical background, as well as an interest in the
industry they are in.

The goal of an internship is to learn as much as you can about the
real-world work environment, and if you go in thinking "all I am doing
is X" you will be wasting yours (and your employers time).

I have interns work for me, and we *love* to bring them on full time as
soon as they graduate. They are not guaranteed jobs after the
intenrship, but most work out quite well.

The big thing is attitude & aptitude - I've worked in most major
industries in NJ (Software, Finance, Telecom, Oil, (and currently)
Pharma), and I've learned many useful things in each industry, things
that make me a more valuable employee for each of my employers.

I work in an MS-centric shop, but prefer non-MS OSs for various
(non-religious) reasons...

The main thing you can get from an internship/first job, is the notion
of what job you want to have in a given industry - when I was a
computer operator, I knew within days that I wanted to be a systems
programmer in a mainframe shop - that never happened, but I learned so
much persuing that goal that I have been quite successful in recent



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