[geeks] Re: Metaframe [WAS] Bad practice in the Win/X86 world

Gavin Hubbard ghub005 at xtra.co.nz
Mon Apr 21 16:54:55 CDT 2003

James said:

>So, with Terminal Services, is there any reason to run Metaframe?
>Is there anything that Metaframe does that TS doesn't?

There are a lot of reasons. I'm not sure how familiar you are with the
Windows terminal service development history, but Citrix actually developed
the technology back in the NT 3.5 days and then licensed the technology to
MS. The license deliberately restricts the features and protocols in TS so
that Citrix will always maintain the competitive advantage. 

It is useful to think of Metaframe as being the superset of TS. 



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