[geeks] True64 UNIX

Jochen Kunz jkunz at unixag-kl.fh-kl.de
Sun Apr 20 09:05:09 CDT 2003

On 2003.04.18 17:05 Charles Shannon Hendrix wrote:

> > Well. You get a set of media and a very nice UNIX with very
> > interresting features (AdvFS, Clusters, ...) that can
> > Roll Big Rocks (C) (R) (TM).
> Does it include SMP too?
Yes, as SMP needs no extra license PAK. (AFAIK. I have no SMP Alpha and 
I got a set of license PAKs with the machine so I didn't need the 
hobbyist stuff.)
BTW: The PAK mechanism is the same as VMS... (Hint, hint) ;-) --


Homepage: http://www.unixag-kl.fh-kl.de/~jkunz

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