[geeks] tftp server

Kurt Huhn kurt at k-huhn.com
Thu Apr 10 13:15:25 CDT 2003

Jochen Kunz <jkunz at unixag-kl.fh-kl.de> wrote:

> On 2003.04.10 15:12 Kurt Huhn wrote:
> > > Is port 69 UDP open? "netstat -an" should show a line like:
> > > udp        0      0  *.69                      *.*
> > Just tried that, and no - it doesn't open a port.
> > I'm beginning to think
> > that the tftp server is broken in Slackware.
> inetd(8) opens that port. tftpd(8) is invoked from inetd(8) when data
> comes in on that port. So this looks like a problem with inetd(8).
> What about tracing inetd(8) with strace(1) at startup?

Nono, if I start in.tftpd by itself with the -l (standalone) option, it
doesn't open the port.  When I setup inetd to listen on the port the port
opens, but in.tftpd doesn't respond.  inetd is certainly working as it's
supposed to - in.tftpd is what's not working.

I gave up on it.  I found a way to do what I needed to do without using

Kurt                 " Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to flagellate 
kurt at k-huhn.com        myself with a soldering iron."
                                                   --Kris Kirby 

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