[geeks] fti to svg conversion

Caleb Shay caleb at webninja.com
Tue Oct 29 13:41:19 CST 2002

Well, it's certainly a good start.  Thanks.  Strangely, there don't seem 
to be ANY colors that give a positive number.  The only non-negative 
number I managed to get was 0, which is black.  -255 is grey, white is 
-119, and actual colors are all over the place between 0 and -255.  Now 
if my C were any good at all, I'd actually go digging through the FLTK 
source and see how it is actually mapping those to RGB colors (or maybe 
X named colors, who knows?).



Joshua D Boyd wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 29, 2002 at 01:50:16PM -0500, Joshua D Boyd wrote:
>>If I find more info, I'll post it. 

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