[geeks] Oh my god...

Shawn Wallbridge swallbridge at franticfilms.com
Fri Nov 29 16:37:56 CST 2002

David Cantrell wrote:

>On Fri, Nov 29, 2002 at 12:36:01PM -0500, Joshua D Boyd wrote:
>>In other notes, exactly how bad is .NET?  I keep going back and forth.
>>Obviously .NET itself is awefull.  And I can't see any justification of
>>C#, except as a "java killer" (and I don't see why we need one).
>I only know a couple of people who've used C#.  Both seem to quite like it.
>Now, one is an MS weenie and so his opinions can be ignored as being merely
>the product of brainwashing.  The other, however, spends 90% of his working
>day working with Sun and AS/400 boxen, keeping his employer's billing and
>customer databases running smoothly.
Same here. We have a programmer that uses vi to do everything, yet he 
likes C# enough to use VS.net. I was stunned when he asked for it to be 


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