[geeks] Oh my god...

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 29 11:40:15 CST 2002

--- Dan Sikorski <me at dansikorski.com> wrote:
> And he also probably hasn't seen the pure horror of applications
> written in access actually trying to be used to do real work. (Note
> that i said TRYING, shit never works, but the "developers" have great
> job security until someone around there gets a clue.)

My company is stressing Access in ways it should never be stressed - we
have gotten error messages that the database is too large!

For small one-off projects it is fine, but for larger installations
(like, more than one simultaneous user), something larger is strongly

We were going to use Access as a front-end to SQL Server (to preserve
our code base and be able to use larger DB), but there is a funny thing
that happens when you do that - Access attempts to draw in the entire
database and work with it locally... defeating the whole reason for
using SQL Server in the first place!

Our solution was to use ODBC to access SQL Server, since it only
returns result sets, not the *entire* database!


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