[geeks] Office OS X

Shawn Wallbridge swallbridge at franticfilms.com
Wed Nov 20 14:30:18 CST 2002

Joshua D Boyd wrote:

>I'm hearing reports that Office for OS X listens on port 96 for UDP
>packets from the network.  Anyway know anything about this?  Is it
>exploitable?  That would make me think long and hard about continueing
>to avoid OS X when I get my Mac (spoken in faith that I'll be able to
>get one before OS XI comes out).
I remember reading about it. Someone came up with an exploit that would 
shut down all versions of OfficeX. It was kind of funny. I thought they 
had patched it, but it still does listen on the network. It's used to 
make sure their are no duplicate serial numbers running on the same 
network. The next version of Office for Windows will have the same thing.


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