[geeks] D-VHS

Mike Hebel nimitz at speakeasy.net
Mon Nov 11 22:20:57 CST 2002

Lionel Peterson wrote:

> It is a decent player, no matter the price... Only four real buttons on
> the case, *no* LCD/LED display.
> $44.95.
> Unbelievable...

I paid $69 for my wife and I's several months ago - an Apex 1100.

The only complaint I currently have with it is that if a disc is out of 
balance there's a horrible vibrational noise while using it.
I tried the same disc at the store and they all did the same thing.
I fixed with a small piece of foam-rubber glued to the front of the tray 
so it dampens the vibration against the door.  "Harry Potter" buzzes no 

Mike Hebel

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