[geeks] A-KON 13

Kirby Menzel kirby at superusersolutions.com
Thu May 30 00:21:36 CDT 2002

On Wed, 29 May 2002 22:26:35 -0500
Bill Bradford <mrbill at mrbill.net> wrote:

> On Wed, May 29, 2002 at 10:04:39PM -0500, Kirby Menzel wrote:
> > The name of the film is D7Peacemaker::Stage1.  
> Oh no.  When Anime Meets Perl Modules and Goes Bad.

Umm... yeah... Unfortunately, I get little to no creative input, so silly
things like the name looking like a Perl module, and the writing sounded
almost as though it were translated from Japanese happen.

Now, if I could just find a way to slap the director arround other than my
threats of taking down the network... they don't seem to work too well.


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