[geeks] Changing UID in OS X

Peter L. Wargo pwargo at basenji.com
Sat May 25 15:11:31 CDT 2002

It looks like I finally found a simple way to change my UID in OS X.  I 
wished to do so to make my UID consistent across the Mac/UNIX boxes, and 
since the Solaris/NIS stuff was there first...

I did a change to my UID in the netinfo manager, which upon reboot game 
me vanilla settings.  I then popped a terminal window, su'd (having 
enabled root earlier), and just did the following:

find / -user 501 -exec chown pwargo {} \;

(501 was my old uid)

Seems to have worked like a charm.  Re-logging in got me all my stuff 
back.  A quick ls -laR proved to me that all was well again.

So, now I can NFS mount my home dir on basenji.com and use it just like 
I want to.  Very nice.


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