[geeks] Star Wars

Mike Hebel nimitz at owc.net
Fri May 17 00:23:48 CDT 2002

Andrew Weiss wrote:
> Heh everyone knew that before Epi 1 came out.
> and that Darth Sidious == Senator Palpatine == Emperor
> Andrew
> I'm wondering how they're ever going to do 7 8 and 9 ... by the time 3 
> is done the actors for 4 5 and 6 will be in their 50's-60's.

He's already said he's not going to do 7,8, and 9.

As for the "Darth Sidious ==" thing - I actually know people that missed 
that.  I had to play the tape for a friend a couple of times before he 
got the face and voice and clues right.

Mike Hebel

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