[geeks] Desktops

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Thu May 9 23:01:13 CDT 2002

On Thu, 9 May 2002, Joshua D Boyd wrote:

> > What's wrong with Netscape?  <center><img src=foo><br>caption</center>
> >
> > Add "previous" and "next" links at the bottom--what more could you want?
> Eek.  If I wanted that, I'd just use WimpyPoint.  I want something a bit
> more sophisticated that can do forward, back, jump to number, and provide
> previews of both the current and next slide on seperate monitors.
> And it needs to preload the images for fast, seemless transitions.  One
> must have a sense of pride in the polish of their presentations.

You could still do that in Netscape with JavaShit.  There are no
primitives for opening windows on other displays, so you'd have to use
something Xinerama or position the two auxilliary windows manually.

However, what you're asking for really shouldn't require all -that- much
programming.  You're just talking about maintaining three frames and four
image buffers.

> I have seem mathematica's symbolic integration solutions be spectacularly
> wrong.  It all depends on what you are doing though.

I don't think I'm doing anything complicated enough for it to get things
totally wrong.  I am not a mathematician.  I don't even play one on


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