[geeks] UPSs

nick at snowman.net nick at snowman.net
Tue May 7 23:39:42 CDT 2002

RMS vs Peak.  They list peak, RMS is the only thing that matters.  Peak is
10-15% higher give or take.

On Tue, 7 May 2002, Joshua D Boyd wrote:

> On Tue, May 07, 2002 at 09:12:26PM -0400, Tim H. wrote:
> > VA (voltamps) is a power rating, no time vector involved.  It says how 
> > much power it can dish out without letting out the magic smoke.  The size 
> > of the batteries determines how long it will put out that power before the 
> > batteries die.  You spec the UPS by the amount of power you need to supply, 
> > then buy the biggest one at that rating you can afford.  
> I see.  So how is the "biggest" one measured?  Ie, what to look for in specs?
> BTW, VA as in Volts times Amps is the same as Joules per Coulomb times 
> Coulombs per Second, so the Coulombs cancel leaving Joules per Second.
> So, VA has a time vector.  It is a measure of power per second.  Usually
> Volts time Amps is just Watts though.  Not sure why they don't just advertise
> that way.
> -- 
> Joshua D. Boyd
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