[geeks] UPSs

Tim H. lists at pellucidar.net
Tue May 7 20:12:26 CDT 2002

VA (voltamps) is a power rating, no time vector involved.  It says how much power it can dish out without letting out the magic smoke.  The size of the batteries determines how long it will put out that power before the batteries die.  You spec the UPS by the amount of power you need to supply, then buy the biggest one at that rating you can afford.  If you want to cheap out, buy one now, and add external battery later, just remember you are only adding run time, not more equipment capacity.  I think most of the better brands size batteries for half an hour at 50% load or some such formula, but these baby UPSs that are showing up in office stores can't possibly have that much battery.  APC has a 450 that is like an oversized surge protector strip.

I have a couple rackmount APCs (that say cabletron on them) a 600 and a 1250 in identical chassis.  When I get new batteries I intend to replace the 600 with the same batteries as the 1250.  I won't be able to hook up more equipment, but I will double up my run time.


On Tue, 7 May 2002 19:06:23 -0400
Joshua D Boyd <jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu> wrote:

> On Tue, May 07, 2002 at 06:25:02PM -0400, Ryn wrote:
> > Anyone know what would be required to keep an Ultra1 (2 disks, power
> > supply that came with it) and a Pentium 166 (1 disk, 250-watt power supply)
> > up for ten minutes? Usually during power outages at home, the electricty is
> > only out for 5-10 minutes  Hopefully someone has wandered down this
> > road before
> http://www.staples.com/Catalog/Browse/sku.asp?PageType=1&Sku=474045&bcFlag=True&bcSCatId=3&bcSCatName=Technology&bcCatId=75&bcCatName=Surge+Protection+and+UPS&bcClassId=141931&bcClassName=Uninterrupted+Power+Supply+%28UPS%29%2FBattery+Backup
> Sorry about the URL, every time I tried trimming it it broke.
> Anyway, that is the same price, and it is a better brand.  I have one, and 
> it works decently.  Couldn't say a time frame though since VA doesn't make
> much sense to me.  Does that meant a 100volt, 1A device will only last
> 3.5 seconds?  But it lasts longer than that for me.
> -- 
> Joshua D. Boyd
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