[geeks] thoughts.

Gregory Leblanc gleblanc at linuxweasel.com
Sat May 4 00:09:29 CDT 2002

On Fri, 2002-05-03 at 21:43, Chris Byrne wrote:
> I agree. Now if I could get a 4 proc one with the fastest possible procs
> (max cache), max ram, the best framebuffer I can get, and the largest amount
> of disk, I will truly be a happy man.
> That being said what are the max ram, fastest procs, and best framebuffer

They max out at 512MB of ram, assuming no VSIMMs.  

The fastest procs are either the 85MHz SuperSPARCs (SM81s), or the
RT200.  The SuperSPARCs have a meg of cache, and do a lot better at
context switching, but the max config is dual-proc.  The 200MHz
HyperSPARCs have 512K of cache, but seem to have better access to main
memory, at the expense of slower context switches.  Quad proc is
available, but you'll need "auxiliary" cooling.
The SS20 should be a bit faster with these procs, based on a 25% faster
MBUS clock.  

The best frame buffer is the VSIMM.  You'll want an 8MB version, but
you'll lose 64MB of ram to have it.  These buggers run hot too, so extra
cooling won't hurt.

Portland, Oregon, USA.

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