[geeks] some people need a clue.

Mike Hebel nimitz at owc.net
Thu May 2 13:23:07 CDT 2002

>> http://www.petitiononline.com/twotower/petition.html
>> (in short: "we're offended, and dont want the title of the 
>>  next LOTR movie to be "The Two Towers" because its SO OFFENSIVE
>>  and INSENSITIVE because we're WHINY ABOUT TERRORISTS" etc)

RH>         We should start another one, the "quit getting morally offended at
RH> every little thing in life and learn to live with reality" petition.

I'd sign that one in a heartbeat - with my real name and a public
e-mail no less!

Mike Hebel                        mailto:nimitz at owc.net

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