[geeks] NAT and Filtering on Solaris

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Fri Mar 29 19:12:24 CST 2002

On Fri, Mar 29, 2002 at 06:53:25PM -0600, Jonathan C. Patschke wrote:
>      I've been off dialup since the 20th and am now on Earthlink's
> cable-Internet service.  So far, I like what I see, except that the packet
> latency makes things like ssh really feel like I'm ISDN instead of
> something with much higher throughput.

Strange, I'm on here too, with NO PROBLEMS at *all*.  Whats your IP?
Email me, and I'll do some traces.

>      I recently found out that IPFilter runs on Solaris.  How well does it
> work?  What sort of differences can I expect when moving from the Linux
> world of "easy setup, crap performance"?

Works great.  I use it on the SunHELP boxes.  Just grab one of the packages
that people on the mailing list generate, or if you have the Sun compilers,
build your own.

>      I'm really excited about getting a full-time job for that nice U10
> I've got, but I don't want to bother if it's going to be a PITA about
> having the external interface lacking a static IP or if the performance is
> going to be lackluster.

Why not just get one of the Netgear hardware-based "router" nat boxes?  I've
got a RT314 here, and its been fine..


Bill Bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
Austin, TX

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