[geeks] "Must See" movies.

dave at cca.org dave at cca.org
Tue Mar 26 21:24:31 CST 2002

mrbill at mrbill.net writes:

>The only movie that ever TRULY disturbed me was Natural Born Killers.  I've
>been on the Internet a long while; I look at blood and gore pics while eating
>dinner, but I just had to TURN OFF that movie for a while.. It was a mindfuck.

I mildly enjoyed that one. I thought certain elements of the directing
style where annoying & stupid, but other parts of the movie I enjoyed.
But basicly it's a love story, and I don't like love stories.

But there was a Diamanda Galas song on the soundtrack! Can't beat that.
(I've actually seen her perform live. She did a Johnny Cash cover. Wooo.)

As for gore - you know that part in "Seven" when they find the guy's 
apartment and they're digging through his papers, and find a bunch of
gorey photos? I was watching that with my at-the-time wife, jumped
up, hit pause, said "Hold on!" and ran downstairs to my filing cabinets.

Came back up a few minutes later with my copies of the same photos 
they used.

Ha ha.

Hollywood has its own set of "clip art". Similarly, if you watch
enough nature specials, you'll start to see the same "wild animal"
stock footage reappear in different shows.

------ David Fischer ------- dave at cca.org ------- http://www.cca.org ------
-------- "I prefer the ridiculous to the sublime." - James Chance ---------

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