[geeks] OpenBSD, "white text on blue" during boot

Ron 'The InSaNe OnE' Rosson insane at oneinsane.net
Mon Mar 25 08:32:28 CST 2002

>>>>> "William" == William S <wilby98 at yahoo.com> writes:

    William> I just installed OpenBSD on a PC sharing a disk with Win95.
    William> Right now I am using Fdisk to switch between which partition is
    William> active in order to select between Win95 and OpenBSD.

    William> I notice when booting OpenBSD I am getting the same "white text
    William> on blue background" output just prior to the kernel booting. as I
    William> did when I initially installed the system.

    William> Is something wrong in the boot sequence? Should I just install a
    William> boot manager and it will go away? Nothing seems to be wrong once
    William> the system is running so I hesitate to change things around.

If you dont like the white on blue you can change those colors by customizing
the kernel and adding some lines like this:

# Make the kernel Pretty

You can also do a man wscons for more info.


Ron Rosson                                    ... and a UNIX user said ...
The InSaNe One                                        rm -rf *
insane at oneinsane.net                        and all was /dev/null and *void()

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