[geeks] Re: [rescue] Re: Sad end to SGI Power Challenge XL story

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Thu Mar 21 23:25:07 CST 2002

On March 21, Peter L. Wargo wrote:
> Cray is no longer a player, and I blame SGI.  (I work with a lot of
> ex-Cray folks, many of them hate SGI as well...)

  Interesting.  So, whose vector supercomputers are the best nowadays?
They sure look like a "player" to me.

  Make no mistake, I'm not defending SGI, and I too hate them for what
they did to Cray.  But people have been predicting the imminent death
of Cray for, what, fifteen years?  They're still around, they're still
building (and more importantly, selling) kick-ass supercomputers.

  In recent years I've become very much aware of my many little pet
peeves.  One of my biggest ones lately has been "doomsaying" regarding
vendors, products, or architectures in the computer industry.  Someone
gets bought, and all of a sudden they're "dead".  Somebody else
"still" makes "proprietary" (meaning non-Windows) computers and
they're "legacy" or "on the way out".  This definitely qualifies.  No
offense, Pete..


Dave McGuire                    "Watch those lateral G's man,
St. Petersburg, FL               I've got sandwiches in my lap!" -Sridhar

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